
親愛的CFA學員:歡迎來到融躍教育CFA官網! 距離 2025/5/14 CFA一級考期還有 天!
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cfa官方教材都有什么區(qū)別(cfa一二三級教材區(qū)別)? 發(fā)布時間:2020年05月12日




  CFA Level I- Level III級,使用的教材略有不同,有些教材LevelⅠ-LevelⅢ級都一樣,比如Standards of Practice Handbook,但是CFA Level I- Level III級所要求掌握的重點確有深淺。材略有不同,有些教材LevelⅠ-LevelⅢ級都一樣,比如Standards of Practice Handbook,但是CFA Level I- Level III級所要求掌握的重點確有深淺。


  CFA Level I 教材名稱:

  Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Methods

  Volume 2: Economics

  Volume 3: Financial Statement

  Volume 4: Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management

  Volume 5: Equity and Fixed Income

  Volume 6: Derivatives and Alternative Investment








  CFA Level II 教材名稱:

  Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, and Economics

  Volume 2: Financial Statement Analysis

  Volume 3: Corporate Finance

  Volume 4: Asset Valuation and Equity

  Volume 5: Fixed lncome

  Volume 6: Derivatives and portfolio Management








  CFA Level III 教材名稱:

  Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards

  Volume 2: Behavioral Finance, individual investors, and institutional investors

  Volume 3: Capital Market expectations, market valuation, and asset allocation

  Volume 4: Fixed income and equity portfolio management

  Volume 5: Alternative investments, risk management, and the application of derivatives

  Volume 6: Portfolio: Execution, evaluation and attribultion, and global investment performance standards









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